Friday, March 26, 2010

Speed Workout #2

We're having Indian Winter here in fabulous Chicago. Or so I hope. After last week's taste of spring this week is colder than normal. The temps are even too cold for me in the morning to head out for a run. Which isn't saying all that much since generally, I don't run outdoors when it's below 30 degrees. To most runners around here that's not that cold. But to me, having sprouted my running roots in Portland, OR, that is damn cold for a run and it leaves my hamstrings like guitar strings.

Friday morning I headed to the gym to run on the DTM. On Tuesday I did a speed workout on the DTM and my plan was to do the same workout again today. I don't think at this point in the year I can do any run on the DTM without it being a speed workout. I need intervals to help pass the time.

On task was 2x [1200, 800, 400] with 400 rest between each. The 1200 and 800 were to be done at my 10k pace and the 400 at 5k pace. I set the DTM at 7:20 for the 1200, and increased to 7:10s by last .25 mile. Remarkably, this felt fairly easy. For the 800, I set it to 7:13 to start and finished up at 7:00. Again, not all that bad. For the 400, I started at 6:58, finishing up at 6:45s. The second set was a little better and still not super tough. I do fear doing this workout outside, sort of. But, becausue I set the DTM at 1% incline, I think I should be right on pace with these. My best interval of the day was my second 800, which I did at 6:40 pace. This puts me practically back to pre-pregnancy fitness. Or at least makes me think that by mid-summer I'll be able to run some of the paces I was running two summers ago.

Saturdays long run took me to the Arboretum to run with my friend Christine and her two running pals. They are training for Boston, which is in just 3 weeks, and were running their last 20 miler. I got to bail after 12.5 miles. Thankfully!

30.5 miles for the week, including two speedy days. Ya-hoo!

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